Office Move Ahead? Our Relocation Experts Ensure Your Technology Transition Goes Smoothly

Office technology is the powerhouse that drives your business forward… If your phones aren’t ringing and your systems aren’t working at your new office on Day One, your business will grind to a halt.

Here are some of the critical technology elements that your CTS relocation experts pay special attention to so you can avoid costly roadblocks…

  • Infrastructure – We review your cabling and outlet requirements for voice, data and video, as well as map out the best locations for switches, routers, wireless access points, servers, phone system, network printers, and uninterruptable power systems.
  • Dedicated Space – We’ll work with your facilities team to help identify the ideal locations for server rooms and network hubs, and any special requirements for electrical power, air handling, and physical security.
  • Voice & Broadband Connections – We review capacity requirements to determine if you need more network capacity, phone lines, and broadband services at your new location. We’ll work with the service providers to get the connections you need.
  • Cloud Migrations – An impending move may provide an opportunity for cost savings by moving more systems and applications to the cloud, especially if your aging on-premises technology can’t provide the latest capabilities your people need to perform at their best.
  • Equipment – We determine if your current systems still meet your business needs. If they fall short, we’ll get you up to speed on upgrades or replacements that will meet your performance requirements at your new location.

Don’t let a poorly executed office move put your business on hold. Get our relocation experts involved in your plans as early as possible.

Want a successful Day One? Contact us today: 800.787.4848 or


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