FCC Orders Cybersecurity Labeling for Wireless IoT Devices

IoT, or the Internet of Things, refers to devices that have sensors, processing capabilities, software, and other technologies that allow them to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the internet or other communication networks.
Responding to concerns arising from cyberattacks targeting connected home devices, the FCC has unanimously approved a draft Report and Order for a voluntary cybersecurity labeling system aimed at wireless IoT-connected devices.
  • The labels are intended to educate consumers, similar to “Energy Star” labels on household appliances, to help them make informed purchasing choices and distinguish reliable products.
  • Qualifying consumer smart products meeting cybersecurity criteria will display the label, which will also motivate manufacturers to adhere to heightened cybersecurity standards.
  • Consumers will be able to scan a QR code on the label to access information about the product’s security, such as the duration of support and whether software patches and security updates are automatically provided.
Your Voice Communications need to be protected too. Make sure your systems are secure. Contact CTS today at 800.787.4848 or jnolte@ctsmd.us.

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