On Hold Messages 101… Creating a Great On-Hold Experience

No one likes being put on hold. Unfortunately, putting your customers on hold is a part of doing business, and the abandoned rate for these callers is very high. An estimated 70% of business callers are put on hold. When left on hold with silence, approximately 60% of those callers will hang up, and of those an estimated 30% don’t call back.

But the on-hold stats aren’t all doom and gloom. In fact, callers that are given information while on-hold will remain on the line for up to 3 minutes longer than those waiting in silence.

Regardless of your industry, there are a few things all businesses should consider including in their on-hold program:

  • Tagline or mission statement
  • Website URL
  • Product/Service and Benefits
  • Hours and location
  • Social media pages
  • Experience or years in business
  • Awards and/or accreditations
  • Request for referrals
  • What sets your business apart from the competition

People want information and taking advantage of that with a custom on-hold message allows you to turn those “please hold” lemons into lemonade.

Still giving your customers the silent treatment? Contact CTS today: 800.787.4848 or jnolte@ctsmd.us.


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